domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Bilingual units / Natural Science / Unit 2 in summary

NATURAL    . UNIT 2    VERTEBRATES   ANIMALS                                                                          NAME…………………............................


1.                Mammals: horse, cat, dog, elephant, zebra, lion, tiger, cow, rabbit,camel
2.                Birds: parrrot, eagle, ostrich, sparrow, canary, vulture
3.                Reptiles: crocodiles, turtle, lizard, snakes
4.                Fish: tuna , trout, shark
5.                Amphibians: frog, toad, salamander, newt

1.                MAMMALS
Mammals are covered in hair or fur. Almost all mamamals are viviparous
they have lips and teeth. Different mammals have different type of limbs.

2.                BIRDS
Birds have feathers and beaks. Birds fly. All birds are oviparous.

3.                REPTILES
A reptile´s body is covered in scales. Some reptiles have 4 legs other have no legs. Turtles have a shell. Almost all reptiles are aviparous

4.                FISH
A fish´s body is covered in scales and it has fins. Almost all fish are oviparous.

5.                AMPHIBIANS
Amphibians live both in water and on land. They have very thin skin. Almost all amphibians have 4 legs and are oviparous.

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