domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Un niño que lee será un adulto que piensa.

Bilingual units / Natural Science / Unit 2 in summary

NATURAL    . UNIT 2    VERTEBRATES   ANIMALS                                                                          NAME…………………............................


1.                Mammals: horse, cat, dog, elephant, zebra, lion, tiger, cow, rabbit,camel
2.                Birds: parrrot, eagle, ostrich, sparrow, canary, vulture
3.                Reptiles: crocodiles, turtle, lizard, snakes
4.                Fish: tuna , trout, shark
5.                Amphibians: frog, toad, salamander, newt

1.                MAMMALS
Mammals are covered in hair or fur. Almost all mamamals are viviparous
they have lips and teeth. Different mammals have different type of limbs.

2.                BIRDS
Birds have feathers and beaks. Birds fly. All birds are oviparous.

3.                REPTILES
A reptile´s body is covered in scales. Some reptiles have 4 legs other have no legs. Turtles have a shell. Almost all reptiles are aviparous

4.                FISH
A fish´s body is covered in scales and it has fins. Almost all fish are oviparous.

5.                AMPHIBIANS
Amphibians live both in water and on land. They have very thin skin. Almost all amphibians have 4 legs and are oviparous.

Bilingual units / Natural Science / Unit 2

    THE SUN :
Is a celestial body, is a star
The Sun gives light and heat
Is a planet
The Earth is like a ball
From space our planet looks mostly blue
the Earth moves
 Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Spring, summer, autumn and winter
Is a satelite
is a non-luminous body

1.                  THE ATMOSPHERE
It is mostly air, but also water, clouds, dust, pollen
Ø    Upper part: contains very little air
Ø    Lower part:  contains the most air, is where atmospheric phenomena occurs  (wind, snow, clouds..)
1.                  HYDROSPHERE
It is all the water we can find in our planet, includind surface water and ground water
We can find water in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous.
2.                  REPRESENTING EARTH
         A globe shows: Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Poles 
         Types of maps: physical maps ( rivers, desserts, mountains, lakes..) and political maps ( countries and provincies)
         Cardinal points: North, South, East and  West

The Sun rise in the East, the Sun rises in the West

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

This is Halloween / Esto es Halloween

This year we have organized a pumpkins exhibition . All pupils from pre-school to sixth grade have participated. It was great!
Este año hemos organizado en el centro una exposicion de calabazas decoradas.
Han participado todos los alumnos desde infantil a 6º.

We wish to express our thankfulness to the families that have joined in this activity.
Desde aqui queremos dar las gracias a las familas por haber participado en esta actividad.

On Friday 30th .October, we celebrated Halloween at school. Corridors and classrooms were decorated for this occasion. Pumpkins, ghosts, spiders, small witches... It couldn't be otherwise.
We really had a great time.

El viernes día 3o de octubre celebramos  Halloween en nuestro centro.
Pasillo y clases fueron decoradas para la ocasión, como no podías de otra manera con calabazas, fantasmas, arañas, brujitas………
Nos lo pasamos realmente bien.

Bilingual units: Natural Science / Unit 1

Head: cabeza                                                      Torso: tronco
Limbs: extremidades.
Name: nombre                                                     Place of birth: lugar de nacimiento
Surname: apellido                                                Country: país
Date of birth: fecha de nacimiento         
Day/ month/ year: día/ mes/ año

Childhood: infancia                                             Adolescence: adolescencia
Adulthood: edad adulta                                        Old age: ancianidad
I am/ he’s/ she’s (tall/short.)     I’ve got/ he’s got/ she’s got (black, brown, fair…) hair.
I’ve got/ he’s got/ she’s got (black, brown, blue, green) eyes
                                            UNIT 1- WHERE WE LIVE (SOCIAL SCIENCE)
Village: pueblo                                                    town hall: ayuntamiento
City: ciudad                                                         local council: municipio
Mayor: alcalde                                                    councillors: concejales                                        

Jobs: profesiones                                               Public services: servicios públicos                      
Police officer: policía                                            Firefighter: bombero

Street cleaner: basurero